- Posts
- happy new years!
happy new years!
looking forward to exciting things to come in 2025 from GRASS ROOTS newsletter :)
hello hello, happy holidays everyone! scroll down to see my house’s holiday card 🙂 wanted to keep things light/brief this week and just share some exciting things you can expect from GRASS ROOTS in 2025:
website relaunch!
as I’m preparing for a new round of querying, i’ve redesigned my website. check out the new look at jasperbatonlydon.com
comments section!
so y’all can chat with each other! this was my brother’s idea (thanks john) and I’ve just made the website edits, so starting this week, you can add likes and comments to the posts
if you’re reading this in your email, you’ll just need to click the heart or comment symbols at the top left of the email
please test it out by commenting on this one and letting me know how it works
new readers!
we’ll be working to attract new readers with social media advertisements with free quizzes and giveaways
merch giveaway!
i’m working on creating a block-printed logo so I can send out custom merch items to people who refer their friends to grassroots! once the print is carved, it can be used to make hats, shirts, stickers, etc. :)
upcoming articles!
i’ve been working with some national publications to have a few articles coming out in the next few months on my research visits to intentional communities
I’m super excited to see how all this shakes out. Thank you so much to everyone reading this for all your support; it really means the world to me.

as always, much love,